Welcome To HR Padaav

HR Padaav is a forum where all HR professionals who are working in various companies within the region can meet other HR professionals around the region, they can share and discuss about the challenges faced by them in their day to day activities at Operational level and also exchange good HR practices followed by respective industry. This will help to create a good culture and will surely give better working environment to the employees which is a need of the day.
For any organization and institution, HR is a back bone and HR can play a vital role within the Organization. Like in absence of back bone we cannot stand straight and perform, similarly in any Organization, if HR is not present or if the presence is not effective the Organization cannot perform and grow. For any Organization, Manpower is an asset and HR can play an active role in Management of the Manpower, which in turn can be converted into increased Productivity and Profitability.

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Our Vision

To add value in the career of sincere HR fraternity by appreciating individual’s efforts & determination and helping them to create identity in their Professional journey

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Our Core Values

  • Integrity
  • Accountability
  • Diversity
  • Continuous Learning
  • Innovation
  • Trust & Respect

We know what we are, but not know, what we may be

Purpose of the Forum

  • To Educate and to equipped with Latest trends and practices
  • To give them an Identityin their professional journey
  • To Reward the best talent and innovative idea generators in HR
  • To develop the sense of accountability in their performance

Reward and Recognitions
– HR Excellence Awards

Reward and recognitions plays an essential roll in creating individual’s Identity !!!

Review will be taken from the Industries and industries can nominate their good performers in HR. Every nominations will be considered based on their performance only supported by data and facts (pictures, videos, feedbacks) which will be crossed checked and verified by our Committee.
On successful verification the name will be considered for rewards. This process will also develop a healthy competition among the HR professionals resulting they will also focus and deliver results within their domain meeting the Organizational Goals.



To develop and build competence among the HR’ians in their professional journey by hand holding and adding value to their Personal growth & Organizational Success.

We need to appreciate and encourage the work carried by any HR professional rather demotivating by saying several useless jargons. Reality is that most of the employers are not aware OR they underrate the HR deliverables, they don’t utilize the HR resource for their Organization’s growth to the fullest. HR is not only meant for doing compliances, bringing manpower and making salary & attendance but these resources if utilized efficiently can change the face value of the Organizations. HR professionals are underutilized in most of the Companies and that is the reason the attritions are high in most of the Small and Medium Organizations, resulting employers face multiple competence issues and they are not able to streamline or strengthen their HR & Other processes

Benefit of Socializing, Connecting and Networking

Connecting with people especially who are working in same filed / profession is very important in these days. Its always help us in sharing and growing the knowledge and experience we have. Online Social networking has changed the way people interact with one another. It is being used as source of entertainment and a learning tool as well.

HR Padaav platform will provide all HR fraternity to meet & interact each other personally and professionally not only within this region but also with other HR professional of other cities.

Some Fun Facts

Structured Our Workflow

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765 +
Total Member
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99 %
Satisfied Ratio
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10 +
Awards Events
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Team Members